Quality Management
Our quality management systems ensures that the system quality, process quality and product quality is tested and improved in the Audit Organisation. The aim of the quality management system is a lasting improvement in the company's performance and customer satisfaction.
The system describes the methodology and provides the "hand tool", after alignment of our employees in the quality management of their individual procedures to ensure and improve the quality.
Bács-Zöldért Zrt has certificate: :
- ISO 22000:2005
- GlobalGAP
These are tested in regularly scheduled external and internal audits and constantly evolving to meet the demands of our customers.
The GlobalGAP is a standard for food safety and quality management which regulates the production and packaging of fresh foods. This standard requires that the agricultural producers use the application of modern technologies and taking into account the requirements of sustainable agriculture. GlobalGAP covers the entire production process of the certified product from planting to the packaged final product.
Bács-Zöldért Zrt. as a producer has certifications even at two marketing cooperatives GlobalGAP.